the Debug Life
Find the courage to be you and community will find you.
Podcasting since 2022 • 35 episodes
the Debug Life
Latest Episodes
#35 Breaking Barriers: Strategies for Building Meaningful Mentorship Relationships
00:00 Introduction00:54 Why You Need a Mentor01:44 Network With People in the Tech Industry02:44 Ask for Help03:36 Analyze Your Company04:30 ConclusionA couple of years ago, while I was living in Denver, I wanted to ...
Season 1
Episode 35

#34 How can I establish boundaries with colleagues or clients who constantly demand my time?
As a young professional tech, the skill to set boundaries at work is essential to maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Here's how to say no to colleagues and managers without compromising the work you get done or how you're perceived. First...
Season 1
Episode 34

#33 Why I Love Meditation And The Science Behind It
Meditation is a practice that involves training the mind to focus and relax in order to achieve a heightened state of awareness, inducing mental and emotional calm. It's a technique to improve mental clarity, increase self-awareness, and reduce...

#32 Create Space In Your Head By Journaling
Journaling is the habit of keeping a record of your thoughts, feelings, insights, and struggles and wins in your life. Whether you decide to write by hand on paper, type on the computer or use an app on your phone, journaling is a fantastic and...
Season 1
Episode 32

#31 Impostor Syndrome is Just Another Variation of Shame
Impostor syndrome is the belief many of us hold that we aren't actually as capable or smart as others think we are, no matter how much evidence there is that we're successfully navigating our professional and personal lives.Impostor syn...