the Debug Life
the Debug Life
Understanding and Identifying Core Values
Core values represent the fundamental beliefs you have about your life. They not only guide your behaviors, decisions, and actions but also bring you a sense of purpose and self-confidence. They serve to remind you what’s important to you and the things you want more of in life.
The society we live in defines success as achieving certain goals such as fame, wealth, status, and respect; a big house, a fancy car, and a large salary. If you identify with this standard of success, you set yourself up for unnecessary suffering because you will always be striving to reach the next goal.
True success is being exactly who you are by living in alignment with your values. This doesn’t mean giving up on your goals; it means using your values to set your goals.
00:00 What Are Core Values
00:24 Why Core Values Matter
01:41 Core Values Give Direction
02:28 Core Values Simplify Decision Making
03:17 Core Values Boost Wellbeing
04:00 My Core Value: Freedom
04:47 Identifying Core Values